Pilar de La Luz,

Is an Earth-Keeper Planetary Worker, a True Mystic, a Poet, Shaman, Healer, Spiritual Teacher and Seer.

Born in Colombia, South America, her esoteric knowledge is anchored in deep ancient Lemurian roots. She is a Priest in the Order of Melchizedek and a Beacon in the Net of Light.

Above all, Pilar is a Story Teller Dancer Artist who joyously weaves, in meditative ceremonies: breath, movement, touch, toning, ancient languages and harmonics to awaken heart centered full brain functions.  She has traveled extensively and is a Mesa and Pipe Carrier. During her world-wide journeying she has received many Mystery School Initiations, Yoga, Sufi and Taoist.

Her healing work includes harmonics, through a special activation she received from the Hathors during her first trip to Egypt, more than thirty years ago.

She helps organize trips for humanitarian work in South America.


“If we want a Better World let’s start from the beginning, let’s start from Birth” is the motto of her BIRTH MOVEMENT where she diligently works for the sanctification of the moments of birth and death.


Pilar currently resides in upstate New York, three minutes away from Lily Dale.  She invites students to take retreats at her home which she calls THE DOJO OF MELCHIZEDEK:   


45 Maple Avenue

Cassadaga, NY




Tel: 716- 595-2122



P.S.-In order to better receive the meaning and message

of Pilar’s spiritual work, prayerfully visit this Mp3:

